Thursday, May 28, 2009

Don't forget to reserve your tickets for the hottest show in town. June 7th, 5 funny boys will be funny at Riley's in Springdale. You can pick the 5 pm or the 7 pm show and pay $15 for either. That's for dinner and everything. Hit up 771-3361 and tell them your coming. I think they are slated to be funny about Lake Erie. And there will be back bends.

Monday, May 25, 2009

How can I sum up a darn near perfect weekend? Let's just say I think I have cornered the market on friends. Mine are dynamite. Until I can come up with more than that, here is my new fave pic..."Summer Life for Littles".

Wednesday, May 06, 2009

I went to IKEA today for a quick second but got there before it was officially open. The greeter lady told me that the restaurant was open and that I could head up there until the showrooms open. So Parker and walk the 4.7 miles to the restaurant and arrive 3 minutes before the guy guarding the steps gets out of the way.
I decided a cuppa joe sounded good while we waited. So I tell the little gal what I'd like and she pointed and sort of looked to where the cups were kept. I waited a sec and then another sec and another sec and when I realized she was done talking/pointing to me, I asked how much the cup of coffee was. Do you know? Guess. It was free. It wasn't that good but it was still free. Did you know that? So I tell the girl to get out of town and she said no but that everyday from 9:30 - 11:00 am the coffee is free. And that one of the employee benefits is they always get free coffee and that was why she was so wired. Then she told me that, "yep Sunday through Saturday we have free coffee so...pretty much every day." I do not claim rocket scientry but...
I love Swedish stuff as much as the next girl, well mostly the fish but add the gratis kaffe to the list.