I feel like Spring is toying with my emotions. Saturday and Sunday came with the sun and warmth and the flip flops and now the threat of the biggest snowfall this year on Friday? What the *&$%^@???
Despite the beauty of March 1st and 2nd, I am still considering March coming in like a lion. I think the coming in of March in a lamb-like fashion would have been 80 degrees and sun everywhere.
If the weathermen are right, this betrayal will officially end my relationship with March. Except for St. Pat's Day. And the 16th, my friends bday. And the 27th, our anniversary. And the 9th, the Big 10 wrestling championships. And the 22nd, Shawn Thomases bday. Buddha comes home the 22nd too. So March we are done! Kind of.
Post Script: How can weathermen keep their jobs? I don't understand how someone could be so wrong in their job yet keep their job. What other job could our 7 year old do with about as much accuracy?