Friday, September 26, 2008

She is feeling better...

and that makes me happy.

Monday, September 22, 2008

We have a sick little girl. That makes for a worried, tired, nervous, anxious mother bear. Medicine and tests and extra kisses are helping. I am thankin' my lucky stars she is on the mend...and she is still sassy.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Da da da da...there is a new Smiley baby!
Congrats Paul and way to go Carrie.
Now there are two Levi's we love.

And the Steelers are 2-0
(zip it Brad)

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Not only is there a 2nd grader in the hizzowse but a preschooler as well. And apparently, we just have kids that get excited for school. Cooper was swept into Griffins excitement tornado and could not have been more excited to go to school.
What a day...

Monday, September 08, 2008

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

A second grader now lives in this house. We watched him board the bus like an old pro, find his seat with Kendrick and start greeting all of his old friends.

I have a lot of friends who have kids that were not so excited for this day. Griffin on the other hand could barely sleep last night. He went to bed almost shaking with excitement. He slept with a smile on his face and woke up giggling. He told me last night before he fell asleep, "The suspense is killing me! It feels like Christmas is tomorrow!" I want to bottle that excitement just in case he doesn't feel this way in 10 years.

Conversely, I have not been excited for this day. I could barely sleep because I was nervous about second grade. I don't know why and I realize it is ridiculousness. This year he is a little fish in a big pond. Second to sixth grade seems like such a huge age difference. I am worried he won't be able to find his class, lose his lunch box, someone will be mean, he'll get lost finding the bathroom. And the whole time, I will be at home, unable to swoop in and save him.

My swooping days are coming to an end...