What has two thumbs and Sassy McSassypants? This girl. (Pictured here with one of her two loves.)
I am amazed every day at our 2 year old daughter. She is no longer a baby that does whatever mom says. She is a toddling one that does what she wants and nothing less. Here are some of her antics from this morning.
Exchange #1
Mommy: Parker, come on, let's get you some clothes for you to get dressed.
Parker: Um, no thanks mom. I'm fine but you go get dressed and brush your hair.
Exchange #2
Parker: Mom, can I have some juice?
Mommy: Yep, go get your cup and I'll get you some juice.
Parker: Thanks mom. (She turns to walk away and sees Cooper hijacking the puzzle she was playing with) Mom, could you do something about that?
Arrival at the 50 yard line
1 year ago