Thursday, April 30, 2009

I think I fall into the average persons category of affection for Rachael Ray. I am not really pro her or anti her but I don't change the channel if she comes on. I have even made some of her things including Steak Pinwheels that I think are one of Sean's favorites. I think they're gross.

I am all for her 30 minute meals and saving time and her usage of the french dressing. But recently I felt a little insulted for the whole populous of non-pro cookers whilst watching her show. She was making some egg scrambled something and told me that in order to save time, "give the yolks, which are the yellow parts of the eggs, a little prick with your fork to break them."

Honest to goodness how long does it take to scramble an egg? How much can it possible save you to break the yellow part which I now know is called the yolk, before you scramble it? Well I'll tell you...14 seconds for the non pricked yolk and 11 for the pricked yolk. Three seconds I'll never get back.

She could use egg beaters and be amazed.


Liz said...

The Barefoot Contessa is my absolute favorite on Food Network. Rachael Ray's recipes seem to be hit or miss for me-sometimes I love them, other times I'm asking, huh?

And she uses WAY too much fennel. Sick.

Annie Michael Murphy said...

I should have added that I DO change the channel whenever Giada DiLawhatsherface comes on. She says her CH and GR and TR and SH sounds weird and I can't handle it. And I change it every time Ina comes on. I have heard you speak of your love for her many a time and I can't take it anymore. She's unenjoyable. I hope this doesn't affect our friendship.

Anonymous said...

Ugh Annie. I LOVE Ina. I'm with Liz. I have not made one thing from her cookbook that has even come close to being mediocre- everything is SO delicious. Plus, she leads the most fabulous life- an awesome house in the Hamptons, a doting hubby, and a ton of fabulous gay friends. LOVE HER.

Alex Green said...

It's nice to know not everyone LURVES or HATES Rachel Ray. I never knew anyone didn't like Ina or Giada. Though, I haven't made any of Ina's stuff 'cause I just don't have the patience.

And, Annie, I have to say, you and your hubby are adorably hilarious. Both of you.

jmjana said...

leah, stop trying to get a shopping buddy.
liz, amen sister on contessa....i love that im your roomate (aka dinner buddy) and you get to make meals by her
annie, i love food network and want to be on it. i will have my own show. and giada has a big head.

Carissa said...

all cooking shows are lost on me. it's a shame really.

Aunt Peg said...

Annie, I don't care what yo blog about...I'm glad you are back.
What about the re-runs of Julia Child?
Whoops, I just showed my age...and my connection with cooking with lots of WINE.