Tuesday, February 12, 2008

I got in line at WalMarts 3:22 pm. I loaded my groceries and pulled away at 4:07 pm. What the #(%!@???? you might ask? Well the cashier was in no hurry, the gal in front of me had 5 separate orders and her husband had another, and there was no price tag on the little love day present I picked up for Griffin. Well why didn't you switch lines? I had unloaded my booty and thought it couldn't possibly take too much longer, there were two ladies behind me who had me jammed in and there was one (1) other lane open in the whole of the store.

So I learned a little about supressing anger and trying to be patient and not lash out at the sweet little lady behind me in the motorized cart with the matching leopard print fur hat and coat. And that that particular WalMarts doesn't have Valentines Day paper plates or napkins... at least I couldn't find them, their staff couldn't find them and that same staff wasn't all that crazy about helping me find them.


Peggy Murphy said...

Did you kick the cheery little greeter who probably said, "Have a nice day"?

What's the saying? "Well, what else were you going to do today?"

Anonymous said...

Exactly the reason why I never ever go into Wal-Mart!