Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Bdays all around

Happy Birthday Joe and Brad or Brad and Joe. I am showing no favoritism by listing either first. Happy birthday to two guys that I think are swell but who are we kidding, I like them but LOVE their wives.


Peggy Murphy said...

Is this a picture of Brad or Joe?
I just know he looks like someone who doesn't like kids.

Anonymous said...

I like them too- well one more than the other quite honestly. And right back at ya. :)

bshawise said...

what did you get me? i like lots of things. except for non-fat black cherry yogurt from trader joes. don't get me that.

that picture is clearly of joe having an allergic reaction to walking sticks.

Joe said...

thanks. I am uncomfortable that Leah likes me more than Brad...that's all I can assume from her comment.

That photo is actually my grandfather, Mayor Macintosh Boyd, of Ascot, Ky. Good guy from what I hear. (I never knew him.) He had a drinking problem and kept an illegal ferret farm, but a good guy none the less.