Thursday, November 13, 2008

Well I have some great friends. This week they have proven themselves S-U-P-E-R, super is what they are, super, super great.
It has been a hard week but good. I do know I will be very excited when a few more tomorrows become a few more yesterdays. It terrifically painful for me to be in Ohio and not in heart doesn't want to go into that right now.
For now I will introduce you to my besties for the week.

Israel's wife knocked on my door holding my love cream. Not much else needs to be said.

Later that same ice creamed afternoon, this one brought me some coffee. Not just coffee but she knows my favorite kind and spent her hard earned job that she works at money to buy it for me. Then our four little arms carried a 357 pound desk from them basement to me secret project (more on that to come). Our gigantor muscles are still shaking.

These two made dinner for my littles and I, pizza that was YUM-MY. Not only were there individual pizzas for all but knowing how I love them, there were green olives for the crowning glory on my deliciousness. But who are we kidding, one was really the dinner maker, one was the playmate for my boys. As Griffin shared on the ride home, he was running on the treadmill in the basement that the non dinner maker would turn up faster and faster until he flew into the pile of pillows they stacked up. Safety first!

I finally got to chat with this old gal. Not old chronologically but old friendologically. As we talked about Griffins 8th birthday, we realized we have been friendly for more years than that, she was the first friend to hold that little boy when he was brand new. She also told me I should go quickly to the doctor to get my splinter infested finger flushed and sutured as it is infected. OK she said none of that but she did say to maybe put Neosporin on it. And a band aid. It does hurt. And its purple, sort of. And you can kind of see the hole.



bshawise said...

i was the one telling your liar of a son not to go any faster than 4 and saving him from death when he grinned at me and hit 9.

John Arns said...

hmmm...... which one to believe, annie ? ha

John Arns said...

November 15th was also my Grandpa Arns' birthday. and Jacque Schirmer's -- from VCC staff.

John Arns said...

IS Jacque Schirmer's, that is, not WAS.