Friday, May 18, 2007

I hate stuffy noses. On me, my kids or anyone else for that matter. They are gross feeling, looking and sounding. I don't understand how they work either which annoys me. Why does one side get stuffed and not the other? Why doesn't anything come out when I blow my nose? Why do I see stars when I blow my nose? Why do I sound like a cartoon character when I talk? Aren't there any doctor types that can shed some light on that?

My nose is now red and sore from being abused by a tissue so much. After my last night, I feel so much worse for Parker and her sleepless nights and runny nose and sore ears and achy body. I slept fitfully at best. I was so tired because she hasn't been sleeping well so I was very excited to go to sleep. All I know is I would drift off for about 15 minutes, wake up as my nose running down my face and then roll to the other side to try to unstuff the other side. At that point I almost turned to the baby bulb syringe and thought about giving it a shot.

(PS I also had tissues right by my bed so it isn't as nasty as it sounds.)

This went on for the better part of the night until I finally fell asleep around 3:30 for about three hours only to be barely up and barely at 'em again.

Now the kids are sleeping, my kitchen is a mess, the sun is shining but all I want to do it sleep. But I can't lest I shove a tissue up my nose and drift off to dreamland.


Anonymous said...

I can tell that you are off the dating market. Imagine Paris Hilton posting a blog like this?

(Hmmm, maybe she would if Kleenex was paying her an advertising fee)

Liz said...

Since you like wrestling so much, you might like this little invention they use to stop nose bleeds--I forget what it's called but, my dad (a wrestling referee) calls it a nose-pon (get it). It's basically like a twisted up kleenex you shove up one side of your nose, except more absorbent. :-) I am totally not kidding either.

What a contribution wrestling has made to the world!

Feel better soon!