Friday, April 06, 2007

Truth be told

"If anyone drives slower than you they are an idiot, if anyone drives faster than you, they are a maniac."

This man is so wise. It is interesting to me I find this so true. Honestly, is there anyone who doesn't? Except with me there is an f-ing a-hole added to it (courtesy of something Brashear ;)). How is it possible that we are a society that thinks if anyone isn't our clone, they are wrong, myself included. We have become people that think ours is the only way, stray from that and not only will our friendship change but I will think you a moron.

I remember when Griffin was born and Sean was changing his diaper. I literally had to leave the room because he wasn't doing it my way. I now see that neither way had any significant effect on his potty trainging or adjustment into boydom. But it was still such a problem for me that I had to remove myself from even watching it.

I think I am tired of having to be right at any expense. I am tired of fighting for everyone to think like me. I am tired of the stress that comes with any conflict in my life. I am going to go back to my thinking that there is ONE black and white for me and the other stuff is just that. Unimportant. I want to love better, communicate better. And I think I am going to give up needing to be right. I'd rather be healthy than right.

1 comment:

Liz said...

yes my mother taught me everything i know about erratic, rage-filled driving :)