Thursday, November 02, 2006

Me, me too!

Lots of emotions have been stirred in me in the last 24 hours...

I was having a conversation with a bff last night and this is what I don't understand. What is the difference between being self-involved/self-absorbed and self-aware? Can you be both at the same time? Where is the line that says, "I know this is about me but I think this can help the convo" and "I have no idea I am always talking about me"? I have a friend that is the worlds best at changing the subject back to her. It is insane annoying and sad and annoying. I wonder if there are people in her life that are people who can say to her this life isn't always about you. I don't think I am that person in her life, I haven't known her long enough and we don't have that relationship yet. Is it that there isn't anything to say so instead of air floating back and forth, people think I put words about me out there to float back and forth? Is it a maturity of life thing? Because I know it isn't age alone that brings self-awareness.

I wonder how much different things would look if we all thought before we spoke. Would we give life to a room or suck the life out? Would we encourage other people or promote ourselves? Would people enjoy being around us or walk away tired and frustrated? I think I lean toward the life breathing, encouragement side.


jmjana said...

you value when other people are life breathing and encouraging and we value YOU! you are one of the most life breathing/encouraging people that i know and I guarantee im not the only one who thinks so!!!

Peggy Murphy said...

Yup..but enough about YOUR blog...wait until you see MINE! the way, can you call me later?..I have TONS to tell you..about ME!

Liz said...

ditto what jana said :) are you getting excited?!?!?! I AM

ylmurph said...

obviously this is about Fuller...