Saturday, April 14, 2007

Dreaming of Wednesday Addams

A relaxing Saturday afternoon was frickin ruined by a TV movie. Not a made for TV movie or even an after school special. I should have known. There were way too many clues but I couldn't stop. I just had to keep my eyeballs on the screen and let my retinas get burnt out. I had to keep on the down the path of visual destruction. I actually witnesses the worst movie ever in the history of ever. Pumpkin. That's the name of it. Pumpkin. I am still trying to figure out if it is a real movie and if it is WT...??????? It was a real, in the theaters, someone read the script and thought, "This is awesome, I'll do it", people actually paid for this movie. I think I will start a fund drive to get all 308,552 dollars so I can pay people back for enduring this.

It was this horrible mix of drama, heart string tugging, love, horribleness and I just don't know. There were parts that were so flipping wrong even for dark comedy. I don't understand how it could have been made. I have seen horrible movies, I sat through Beverly Hills Ninja AND Broken Flowers. But those are Best Picture winners compared to this. There can't be a worse movie, there just can't.

While I realize I just may not have the sense of humor for this, please, someone, anyone tell me you have seen this and either explain it or agree that I have had two hours of my life pillaged and plundered. I think I just threw up a little in my mouth. I am going to crawl into the fetal position and mourn my violation.

1 comment:

Teresa said...

I saw that movie on Saturday and it was the worst EVER but I just couldn't stop watching it.