All is right with the world. Buddha is married, Griffin is 8 and Sean is home! He drove 18 hours and one half to get home last night. So great. While our hearts ached that he was gone and he was homesick, we all had great weeks. And he arrived home with souvenirs, Longhorns shirts, pens, armadillos and puppets.
We got to have a birthday celebration for Griffin but before a day of bowling, sugar and games we got to unveil the surprise. He and Cooper have shared a room since Cooper was brand new. Grif has been very interested in a room of his own for many moons and we have debated for about that long. We don't necessarily feel like every kid needs their own room and there is so much good that can come from having a roommate. But we finally decided to let the boy have his own space.
We thought and rethought and decided and changed our mind several times on how to fix up the extra bedroom into a cool place for an 8 year old. So the plan is set into motion, the gathering of supplies, the mapping of the room, the hiding of the key on top of the door frame. I could not figure out how he didn't know, not the ridiculous amount of time I was 'cleaning the closets' in there, the noxious paint fumes, the door being 'broken' for two weeks.
Saturday morning Griffin watched the video Sean sent that said his present was in the extra bedroom and to run up and get it. Off he goes and Aunt Peggy and I await his thunderous footsteps with cameras rolling. This may or may not be the same Aunt Peggy who called my daughter Peg Bundy for the day.
I think he loves it. He spent 20 hours and 50 minutes of the first 24 in there sleeping, investigating, Lego building and hanging out.
He asked if schools give a new bedroom day off hoping he could stay home today.
At one point he said, "Kendrick and I saw the skateboards and stuff in there and it was a mess, we just didn't know what you were doing." And I said, "How'd you see that stuff? Did you look under the door?" And his answer, "No Mom, we just got the key and opened the door."
So much for a surprise.